Here are pictures from last week. I am behind on the blog because the babies have been sick. Last Friday we went to Smithville so that the boys could take their one year pictures with Mary Earp with Princess and Outlaw Photography. Aiden was very fussy and pretty much cried the entire time. This is not like him. He is usually a pretty happy little guy. It turned out that he had an ear infection. On Sunday we went to church and the babies went to the day care. That night all three babies were fussy and running fevers. By Monday morning all three babies had over 104.0 fever. Landon was the worst. He scared me and Jason pretty bad. He was pretty out of it and just laid on the floor with a dazed look on his face. He was to weak to play or cry. He just laid there and made the saddest whimpering sounds. I called our Dr. H and took all three babies in right away. It turned out that Landon had an infection in his bloodstream that was making him very sick. They gave him a shot and I had to take him back today for more blood work to see if the shot worked. Thankfully it did!!!!! So, now along with Aiden he is being treated for an ear infection. On top of everything else, all three little guys have a horrible virus that they now have to fight off. They have not been themselves in three days so hopefully in the next day or so they will be back to normal. It is so sad to see them go through this. are some pictures that I took last week before they all three got sick.
This is one of their favorite places to be.
(My little water babies)
(My little water babies)
Who needs toys when you have a chair to play with?
Aiden and Landon
More Fun On the Train
More Fun On the Train
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