This is by far the longest blog that I have done. BUT this is
Aiden, Landon and Cooper's very first birthday party and there were so many great pictures I just could not leave any out. We had the boys first birthday party at the Davis' house in
Smithville. We had our wedding shower and baby shower there so we decided that we would just have the babies birthday there too. The majority of our family and friends live in
Smithville or Austin so it was just a convenient place for everyone. The birthday party turned out GREAT. The babies had a BLAST. They swam, played in the sand box and played until they could not play anymore. There were so many great people that attended their birthday and I am so happy that they all go to be a part of this very special day. Thanks to all who attended and thanks for all of the wonderful gifts!!!

Landon, Cooper and
Aiden getting ready for their party.
Daucie, Cooper and Landon
Aiden, Cooper and Landon

Alley and Landon in the pool.

Aunt Tina and Cooper

Cooper and Taylor in the pool.

Cooper, Taylor, Alley and Landon
Aiden and Ryder

Daucie, Sage and Ethan

Cooper and
Family and Friends
Aiden and Landon

Aiden and Landon

Crystal and
Mims, Cooper, Crystal and
Garrett and Casey and baby Ryder on the way.

Friends and Family
Lyla and Crystal
Kade and Twyla
Mims, Cooper and Aunt Dori
Aiden, Cooper and Landon getting ready for the cakes.

Landon and Trip
Aiden, Cooper and Landon
(Aiden was not happy about the cake)
Aiden was NOT happy! He wanted NOTHING to do with the cake!

Aiden, Cooper and Landon

Cooper and Landon



Daddy and Landon

Cooper wanted to taste Landon's cake.

My boy LOVES cake......What can I say?

Coop and Landon

Coop, Landon and Daddy



The Peacock Family

Mommy and Cooper

The Herzik Family

Landon and Nanny

Cooper, Landon and Nanny

Granny, Aunt Tina, Landon, Twyla and Pa-Paw

Michael and Brandon Anderson

Aiden and Daddy

Cooper and Landon

Cooper and Kierstin

Aunt Tina and Aiden

Granny and Kim

Ashley and Landon



Aiden and Coop


Cooper and Lyla

Landon, Cooper, Lyla and Aiden

Chris, Jason, Ashley and Cindy

Aiden and Landon playing in the sand box.

Chris and Aiden

Absolutely precious pictures- especially with the cake! We need to get together, we would love to wish the boys a "Happy 1st Birthday!"