Sunday, July 26, 2009


The babies are doing GREAT!! I cannot believe that they are already 4 weeks old. The past month has been amazing. It has been such a joy to get to know these little ones and to watch them grow and progress. Out of the four weeks, they have only been home for one week. The other three weeks were spent in the Level 2 NICU at The Woman’s Hospital of Texas where they were taken care of by the BEST!! We are so lucky to have been able to learn so much from all of the nurses that took care of our little ones. It has been really weird not seeing our nurses everyday and not having them around every time we have a question. We miss our NICU nurses very much!! They have been such a HUGE part of the first month of our babies lives and we will always remember how great they were to us and our babies.

The boys have come a long way since the day they were born. The Peacock Triplets made their grand entrance into this world on the morning of June 27, 2009. Aiden (Baby A) was born at 6:55 am at 4 lbs. 4 oz. and 17 inches long. He is now 5 lbs. 5.2 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. Landon (Baby B) was born at 6:56 am at 4 lbs. 1 oz. and was 17 inches long. He is now 5 lbs. 5.4 oz and 19 inches long. Cooper was born at 6:56 am at 4 lbs. 9 oz. and 17 1/2 inches long. He is now 5 lbs. 15 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long.

***This is a little update on what its like to have triplets. These are things that we learned pretty quick after the babies came home.

*Sleep Time - Put the babies in their crib in their OWN room. Three babies sucking pacifiers and grunting gets really loud and it will keep you up all night.

*Diapers - Change your baby AFTER they eat. You will go through double the diapers if you change them before feedings. We go through an average of about 30+ diapers a day.

*Burp Cloths - We use about 3 or 4 at each feeding. So by the end of the day we have about 30 dirty burp cloths. We learned quick that babies spit up A LOT!!!

*Bottles - The babies eat 8 times a day so we have to wash 25 bottles each day.

*Laundry - We go through about three loads of baby laundry a day. They dirty up 2 to 3 outfits each plus the burp cloths and the blankets. Our Washer and Dryer are for sure taking a beating right now.

Since our babies have been home, their little personalities have changed a lot. We have see the most change is Aiden. He is spoiled rotten already and LOVES to be held. He has decided that instead of staying on his feeding schedule where he eats an hour after the other babies that he will wake up BEFORE Landon and Cooper’s feeding time and wants to be fed. So of course, he now eats with his brothers which works good, because Landon LOVES to sleep. He will sleep until you make him get up. Before he would wake up every three hours on the hour and want to eat. So we have switched Aiden and Landon's feed times and now Aiden and Cooper eat at the same time and Landon eats last. Landon is now our calm little guy. He is very curious and loves to sleep and eat. When he is awake, he loves to be talked to and loves to lay under his rain forest playmat. Cooper is Mr. Personality and is so demanding. He wants all of the attention at all times and loves to be held. He makes the funniest faces and noises. They are alredy growing to fast.

The Day We Were Born
June 27, 2009





Look At Us Now

June 25, 2009
4 Weeks Old

Aiden, Cooper and Landon

All bundled up and ready for bed.

Cooper, Aiden and Landon watching the musical light up toy that Mims bought them.

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